Fonderie Guido Glisenti S.p.A.
Business Passion
160 years in the Italian productive history, an important achievement for a company that manufactures products of excellence with balance and concreteness in the national and international melting panorama.
Fonderie Guido Glisenti S.p.A produces cast iron items for the main European automotive brands and for the principal worldwide constructors of earthmoving machines and tractors. It boasts modern and technologically up-to-date facilities and control machinery fit for an increasingly demanding market in terms of quality and reliability of product.

Subsidiary Company:
Lead Time S.p.A. – Caldarola – Macerata
It was founded in 1932 in Tolentino, then in 1979 it moved to Caldarola, the current headquarter. In 2003 Fonderie Glisenti bought it as an affiliated company. In 2018 Fonderie Glisenti acquired all the shares. Lead Time S.p.A. was reorganized following Villa Carcina foundry model and now it produces cast iron items of medium and high dimensions up to 350 Kg operating in most of the same Glisenti markets.
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Fonderie Guido Glisenti support:

Fonderie Glisenti possesses an advanced quality system that provides a more flexible and smart way of production